Evangelist Andrew and Nona Ranhosky
Evangelist John and Carleen Ladd
Andrew Ranhosky has been ministering in Word and song for twenty years on the East Coast. His travels took him from Canada down the Eastern seaboard with Salvation Music Ministries. In his younger years, Andrew worked for North American Aviation in Fullerton, California on the Apollo, Minuteman and Saturn Projects as an engineering design draftsman. At the age of forty-two, he accepted the Lord into his heart and has served Him ever since. During the 1980‘s, he attended "The Word Is Life Temple" in Rock Hill, SC, under the ministry of Rev. Tina Blakeney, and traveled with her entourage for five years, spreading the love of the Lord, and playing his saxophone. During this time, he met Rev. R.W. Shambach at a service in Rock Hill. Rev. Shambach was a terrific inspiration to Andrew and Salvation Music Ministries. While recuperating from a series of near-fatal medical issues in 2006, Andrew lay in a hospital bed and reviewed his life. He looked up at the clock on the wall and said, Lord, you cannot be finished with me yet?” From that point on, the Lord healed all his near-fatal medical issues and put him out into the streets singing, playing his saxophone and ministering to the many. Andrew also has recorded four albums called “Angel's Wings,” “In God’s Glory,” “I Did It God’s Way”, and a Christmas album called, “Christmas Favorites.” He also has written two songs called “Angels’ Wings” and “Bride and Groom.” Angels’ Wings was broadcast all across our country and blessed hundreds of listeners. On May 8, 2010, Andrew and Winona Olsen were married in Mesa, AZ. She was a widow, whose husband, Charles Olsen, had been a pastor, evangelist and missionary. They traveled to several countries ministering the Gospel. Winona (Nona) is also is a writer and teacher in Women‘s Ministries, as well as an intercessory prayer warrior. Her published book “And Then What?” is available for $10.00. Both write occasionally for local newspapers. Andrew’s C.D.’s are $10.00, or two/$15.00.
Contact information is:
Salvation Music Ministries
1953 Orrs Station Road
Chester, SC 29706
After having given my heart to the Lord in the Spring of 1973 then, having Him call me to preach the word a week later; it would be an understatement to say it has been an amazing experience. Having not been raised in church I never imagined what it meant to be called of God. To see Him change hearts and lives through the spoken word and to think that He would allow me to speak those words sets my mind in awe still after 40 years. I have always known it has never been about me or my family but, it has always been about Him, the King of Kings. My whole heart’s desire is to see men and women, boys and girls, come to the saving knowledge of who Jesus really is. And know that if He can do it in my life, He can do it in any one’s life. An old preacher, years ago in my home church in Dayton, made a statement, "You are God’s Holy Ghost money. How is He spending you?" Meaning, to be spent for the gospel sake is my whole desire.
If your church can use us for revival, camp meeting, or a special service please feel free to call me at 803-374-4148.